Trust is Too Important to Leave to Someone Else


Trust is Too Important to Leave to Someone Else

When I got really, really quiet and really, really listened, my soul said to me: “Anella, you’re afraid, NOT that you can’t trust others. Yes, humans may disappoint you. They may fail to meet your expectations. That’s not what you’re afraid of, my love. You’re afraid that YOU can’t TRUST yourself: that you won’t hold the boundaries that define who you truly are..."


We Can't Know These Things


We Can't Know These Things

I’ve been struck by this juxtaposition of ideas: how we can hold a clear vision in our mind and in our heart and, at the same time, let go of the path to get there--or anywhere. I've spend a lot of energy in my life wrestling toward a desired outcome, so much that I exhausted myself along the way.


How To Practice a High Vibe in Low-Risk Situations


How To Practice a High Vibe in Low-Risk Situations

Every moment offers a choice point, a conscious decision to direct our energy, and I’m curious about how we can practice directing our energy on the topic of the weather. You see, when we practice patterns of discord, we practice a vibration of what’s unwanted.


Convergence: When Letting Go and Happiness Coincide


Convergence: When Letting Go and Happiness Coincide

We took each stack of books by category into the office and, before we put them on the shelves, we asked the question: “Does this item make me feel happy or is it useful to me?” If the answer was “yes,” from either one of us, we kept the book. It took a double “no” to discard.


Your Creation Begins Now


Your Creation Begins Now

It's spring in the Midwest, and I'm welcoming it happily.

To me, spring brings such a sense of excitement and possibility—crocuses peek out and birds sing sweetly—and soon gardens will be tilled and seeds will be buried in the dirt so that magic can happen. While thinking about this growth process, I’ve taken time to ask myself what I’m planting, now, that I can harvest in the future. It's a great time to ask yourself this question, too, in your pursuit to live your life wth joy and create the relationships you most desire to experience. Spring is a good time to consider--

What are you calling into your experience in life, this year?
What do you want to feel like 2 or 3 or 4 months from now?
What can you do, staring today, to plant and nurture your future experiences? 
Do you have the right climate for your dreams and desires to come to fruition? 

As you consider these questions, above, also take some time to journal about how you're moving forward, using these questions, below. Spring lends itself to creating anew, with the key ingredients--

Sunshine required.   
How you can bring energy and attention to what you're creating? What can you do to focus on it—to shine your own “light” on it?

Water also required
How can you be in flow with your new dream or desire? Feel it washing over you. Feed it with gentleness. 

Soil—rich and ready
What needs preparing so that your dream or desire is in fertile ground, ready to support your growth? 

Planting seeds too close together chokes out one or the other or both. How can you make space for what you’re creating? Does something in your current experience need to go in order to make space?

What atmosphere is best for your dreams and desires to thrive? Do you need to clear out the smog of negative thinking or others’ disbelief in your dream?  

Share how you're planting seeds and creating a beautiful harvest in the Comments section! 
